Commitment to Quality

TLES maintains a commitment to quality care through the use of various assessment tools.
In order to help us determine where a child is at developmentally, we use two assessment tools: the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) and the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP). Results from those assessments allow staff to plan curriculum, activities, and guide conversations with families about their children.
Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQs)- this tool is completed at home by the child’s family upon intake and then every 6-8 months thereafter. The completed questionnaire is given to your child’s teacher who then interprets the data. The data is then shared with the family at conference time and used to guide curriculum and activity planning.
Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP-2015)- this is a comprehensive tool that allows the Teacher to look at every facet of your child’s development and reflect on ways that they can better support each child individually and as a group to achieve their goals. Teachers complete these in class and then may share the results at conference times.
In addition, TLES is also goes through assessment processes each year to maintain our high quality of care using the following tools:
Environment Rating Scale (ERS) – focuses on the needs of children from Infancy through Kindergarten. The ERS tool measures the quality of the environment and interactions between teacher and child.
CLASS Assessment – focuses on the quality of interactions between teacher and child in three main areas: Emotional/Behavioral Support, Classroom Organization, and Instructional Support.